Boogie Woogie Figure Drawing Lounge
The Boogie Woogie Figure Drawing Lounge is a casual, laid-back environment in Kalamazoo Michigan for local artists to work with live models. We meet every Wednesday night from 6:30 until 9:30 pm, and chat, play music and draw. There is usually a nude female or male model, with the occasional acrobat or burlesque dancer, both in and out of costume, thrown in for variety’s sake. Bring in a twelve dollar cash chip-in fee to help pay the model.
“I started the drawing group back in 2009 as a way to keep the studio’s model roster healthy and offer a more enjoyable alternative to insitutional drawing groups in the area. After a few incarnations, it became Boogie Woogie in April of 2012 and has been meeting nearly every week since. We’re not sterile or stuffy, but we are serious about figure drawing. We’re close knit, but welcome all kinds of newcomers who want to paint or draw. We have cartoonists and graphic designers, students, hobbyists and professional artists. The session tends to be quite a bit louder and wilder than a conventional drawing group, but we do good work, and have dedicated members of all ages, genders and skill levels.” -j
If you’re interested in joining us, ask to join our private facebook group for an invitation, information and weekly updates.
The studio is located in the Sahr Building complex, 635 W Ransom street, Kalamazoo MI. Parking is available on the gravel side road along the chain link fence on the west side of the building. Walk through the chain-link fence and go to the door that reads “Customer Entrance” or one of the open bay doors in summer.